Research areas
1. physical user interfaces with haptic perception 2. human augmentation with robotic systems 3. surgical robots 4. bio-inspired robots. |
Linear Synchronous Electrostatic Actuator with Moiré-Effect Optical Sensing and Braking Mode
Supported by Samsung Electronics GTC
Samsung HumanTech Paper Award - Bronze
Supported by Samsung Electronics GTC
Samsung HumanTech Paper Award - Bronze
Anterolateral Dual Plate Fixation for Distal Metaphyseal Diaphyseal Junction Fracture of the Humerus: Biomechanical Finite Element Analysis with Clinical Results
AO Trauma Asia Pacific Research Grant
AO Trauma Asia Pacific Research Grant
Selectively Stiffening Garments Enabled by Cellular Composites
Context-aware Automotive User Interface with Programmable Force Feedback
Collaboration with Hyundai Motors
Collaboration with Hyundai Motors
Hybrid Actuation with Unidirectional Clutches for Handheld Haptic Controllers
Augmenting Perceived Softness of Haptic Proxy Objects Through Transient Vibration and Visuo-Haptic Illusion in Virtual Reality
Supported by Tesco Labs
Supported by Tesco Labs
CLAW: A Multifunctional Handheld Haptic Controller for Grasping, Touching, and Triggering in Virtual Reality
Microsoft Research
Microsoft Research
Grabity: A Wearable Haptic Interface for Simulating Weight and Grasping in Virtual Reality
Google Faculty Research Award Project
Best Paper Award, UIST 2017
Google Faculty Research Award Project
Best Paper Award, UIST 2017
A Soft, Controllable, High Force Density Linear Brake Utilizing Layer Jamming
Collaboration with Oculus Research
Collaboration with Oculus Research
Wolverine: A Wearable Haptic Interface for Grasping in Virtual Reality
Best Demo Award, UIST 2016
Best Demo Award, UIST 2016
Kino. Exploring Interactions and Perceptions of Kinetic Wearables
Lead Author: Cindy Kao, MIT Media Lab
Lead Author: Cindy Kao, MIT Media Lab
Rovables: Miniature On-Body Robots as Mobile Wearables
Lead Author: Artem Dementyev, MIT Media Lab
Best Paper Award, UIST 2016
Lead Author: Artem Dementyev, MIT Media Lab
Best Paper Award, UIST 2016
Active Drive for Guidewire Manipulation
Hansen Medical Inc.
Hansen Medical Inc.
Exploring Virtual Rooms with a Pantograph (ME327 class project)
Stanford Safety Robot